Direktorin von Nevet an der Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Publikationen von Heidi Keller
Bücher / Monografien
"The Cultural Nature
of Attachment" erschien 2017 mehr dazu
Keller, H. & Bard. K.A. (Eds.) (2017). Contextualizing
attachment. New York: MIT Press.
Gernhardt, A., Balakrishnan, R., & Drexler, H. (Hrsg.) (2014).
zeichnen ihre Welt. Entwicklung und Kultur. Berlin: das Netz [Children
draw their world]. Berlin: das netz.
Otto, H.,
& Keller, H. (Hrsg.) (2014), Different faces of attachment.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Borke, J., & Keller, H. (2014). Kultursensitive
Frühpädagogik. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Keller, H. (2013). Interkulturelle Praxis in der Kita
[Intracultural practice in day care center]. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder
Tchombe, T. M. S., Nsamenang, A. B., Keller, H., & Fülöp,
M. (2013). Cross-cultural psychology. An Africentric perspective.
Limbe, Cameroon: Design House.
J., Keller, H., Chaudhary, N., & Yovsi, R. (Eds.) (2012). The development of
mirror self-recognition in different socio-cultural contexts. Monographs
of the Society for Research in Child Development, 77(4), Serial-No. 305.
Keller, H. (Eds.) (2011). Culture and cognition:
Developmental perspectives. Special issue on Culture and Cognition of the
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 10(1), 3–8.
Keller, H. (2011). Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung
[Handbook of research in infancy] (4. ed.). Bern: Huber.
Keller, H. (2011). Kinderalltag [Children’s
everyday life]. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
H., Lohaus, A., Schwarzer, G., & Knopf, M. (Hrsg.) (2011). Themenheft:
Entwicklung im Säuglingsalter [Development in early infancy]. Psychologische Rundschau, 62(2).
Keller, H. (2007). Cultures of infancy.
Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
H., Kuensemueller, P., Abels, M., Voelker, S., Yovsi, R. D., Jensen, H.,
Papaligoura, Z., Lohaus, A., Rosabal-Coto, M., Kulks, D., & Mohite, P.
(2005). Parenting, culture, and development. A comparative study. San
José, CR: Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones
H. (Hrsg.) (2003). Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung [Handbook of
reserach in infancy](3. ed.). Bern: Huber.
H., Poortinga, Y. H., & Schölmerich, A. (Eds.) (2002). Between culture
and biology. Cambridge University Press.
H. (1999). Jetzt schläft mein Baby durch. Ein Ratgeber für Eltern,
die zu wenig Schlaf bekommen [My baby sleeps all night. A guide for parents
who do not get enough sleep]. Niedernhausen: Falken Verlag.
H. (Ed.) (1998). Lehrbuch Entwicklungspsychologie [Textbook of developmental
psychology]. Bern: Huber Verlag.
H. (Ed.) (1997). Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung [Handbook of
research in infancy] (2nd ed.). Bern: Huber Verlag.
H. & Lohaus, A. (1997). Was mein Kind mir sagen will. Körpersprache von
Babys und Kleinkinder in den ersten beiden Lebensjahren [Body language
of children during the first two years of life]. Niedernhausen: Falken
W. A., Keller, H., Muraenko, N. M., & Tonkoa-Jampolskaja, R. W. (1997). Die
morphofunktionellen Konstanten des Kindes [The morphofuctional development
(Russian language)]. Moskau: Verlag „Medizin“ (in russischer Sprache).
H., Schneider, K., & Henderson, B. (Eds.) (1994). Curiosity and
exploration. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lamb, M.
E., & Keller, H. (Eds.) (1991). Infant development: Perspectives from
German speaking countries. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
H., & Schölmerich, A. (1983). Das Babybilderbuch: Was mein Baby mir sagen
will [The baby picture book. What does my baby want to tell me?].
München: Kösel.
Voss, H.
G., & Keller, H. (1983). Curiosity and exploration. Theories and results.
New York: Academic Press.
H., & Meyer, H. J. (1982). Psychologie der Frühesten Kindheit [Psychology of early childhood]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
H., Miranda, D., Gauda, G., & Degenhardt, A. (1981). Tres investigaciones
que vinculon a America Latina con Europa [Three studies between Central
America and Europa]. Programma Regional de Estimulación Temprana, Unicef.
H., & Spiegel, H. (1981). Stillen – Ja oder nein? [Breastfeeding –
Yes or No?]. Darmstadt: Steinkopff.
Voss, H.
G., & Keller, H. (Eds.) (1981). Neugierforschung. Grundlagen – Theorien –
Anwendungen [Curiosity research. Theory, research and application].
Weinheim: Beltz.
H. (Ed.) (1979). Geschlechtsunterschiede [Gender differences].
Weinheim: Beltz.
H., & Voss, H. G. (1976). Neugier und Exploration. Theorien und
Ergebnisse [Curiosity and exploration. Theories and research results].
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
H. (in press). Culture and biology: The foundation of pathways of
development. To appear in: D. Matsumoto (Ed.), The handbook of culture
and psychology (2nd ed). New York: Oxford University Press.
H. (in press). Culture and Development.
In S. Kitayama & D. Coihen (Eds.). Handbook of cultural psychology (2nd ed). New York: Guilford Press.
H., & Döge, P. (in press). Bildungskulturen. Einige Überlegungen zur
frühkindlichen Erziehung und Bildung. Beitrag zur Festschrift 20 Jahre
H. (2015). Dual and communal parenting: Implications in young adulthood. In
L. Arnett Jensen (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of Human Development and
culture: An interdisciplinary perspective (pp. 586-601). New York:
Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780 19994 8550.013.36.
Otto, H.,
& Keller, H. (2015). Is there something like German parenting? In G.
Nicolas, A.,
Bejarano, & Lee, D. L. (Eds.) Contemporary parenting (pp. 81-94). London,
GB: Routledge.
Otto, H., & Keller, H. (2015). Early socio-emotional
development of Cameroonian Nso farmer children. In Amina A. Abubakar & Fons
van de Vijver (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Developmental Science in
Sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Springer-
H. (2015). Lifespan development: Evolutionary perspectives. In James D.
Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social &
Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 14 (pp. 108-111). Oxford: Elsevier.
Kärtner, J. & Keller, H. (2014). Sozialkognitive
Entwicklung im Vorschulalter. (Sociocognitive development during preschool
age). In R. Braches-Chyrek, C. Röhner, H. Sünker, & M. Hopf (Eds.), Handbuch
Frühe Kindheit
of early childhood]
(pp.161-170). Opladen: Budrich Verlag.
Fassbender, I., Lohaus, A., Thomas,
H., Teubert, M., Vierhaus, M., Lamm, B., Freitag, C., Graf, F., Keller, H.,
Schwarzer, G. & Knopf, M. (2014). African vs. Caucasian faces in a visual
expectation paradigm: A longitudinal study with German and Cameroonian
infants. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,
Keller, H. (2013). Kulturelle Modelle
und ihre Bedeutung für die frühkindliche Bildung [Cultural models and their
meaning for education in infancy]. In H. Keller (Hrsg.),
Interkulturelle Praxis in der Kita
(pp. 11–23).
Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder Verlag.
Keller, H. (2013). Infancy and
well-being. In A. Ben-Arieh, F. Casas, I. Frones & J. E. Korbin (Eds.),
Handbook of child well-being
(pp. 1605-1627). Dordrecht, NL: Springer.
Keller, H. (2013). Lessons from Africa revisited:
Ecopsychological pathways of development. In T. M. S. Tchombe, A. B.
Nsamenang, H. Keller, H. & M. Fülöp (2013). Cross-cultural psychology. An
Africentric perspective (pp. 112-127). Limbe, Cameroon: Design House.
Keller, H. (2013). Kindheit
[Childhood]. In S. Andresen, C. Hunner-Kreisel & S. Fries (Eds.),
Erziehung: Ein interdisziplinäres
(pp. 34-39). Stuttgart: J. B. Metzlerschen Verlagsbuchhandlung .
Keller, H., & Kärtner, J. (2013).
Development – The culture–specific solution of universal developmental
tasks. In M. L. Gelfand, C.-Y., Chiu, & Hong, Y. Y. (Eds.),
Advances in culture and
psychology, Vol. 3 (pp. 63–116). Oxford, NY: Oxford
University Press.
H. & Kärtner, J. (2013). Die untrennbare Allianz von Entwicklung und Kultur.
In Ahnert, L. (Hrsg.) Theorien der Entwicklungspsychologie (S.
502-519). Heidelberg: Springer.
Tulviste, T., Tougu, P., Keller, H., Schöder, L., & De
Geer, B. (2013). Different faces of autonomy: Mother-child past event
conversations across cultural developmental pathways. In T. M. S. Tchombe,
A. B. Nsamenang, H. Keller & M. Fülöp (2013). Cross-cultural psychology.
An Africentric perspective (pp. 234-247). Limbe, Cameroon: Design House.
Keller, H. (2012). Cross-cultural psychology: Taking
people, contexts, and situations seriously. In J. Valsiner (Ed.), The
Oxford handbook of culture and psychology (pp. 116–131). Oxford, N.Y.:
Oxford University Press.
Keller, H. (2012). Die Autonomieillusion. Kindheit in
Deutschland zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit [The illusion of autnomy.
Childhood in Germany between claim and reality]. In R. Braches-Chyrek, C.
Röhner & H. Sünker (Eds.), Kindheiten. Gesellschaften. Interdisziplinäre
Zugänge zur Kindheitsforschung (pp. 205–223). Barbara Budrich Verlag.
Borke, J., & Keller, H. (2012). Kultursensitive Beratung
[Culture-sensible consulting]. In M. Cierpka (Hrsg.), Frühe Kindheit 0 –
3 Jahre. Beratung und Psychotherapie für Eltern mit Säuglingen und
Kleinkindern [Early childhood 0 – 3 years. Consulting and psychotherapy
for parents with babies and small children] (pp. 345–352). Heidelberg:
Lamm, B., & Keller, H. (2012). Väter in verschiedenen
Kulturen [Fathers in different cultures]. In H. Walter & A. Eickhorst
(Eds.), Das Väter-Handbuch (pp. 77–88). Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
H. (2011). Biology, culture and development: conceptual and methodological
considerations. In F. J. R. van de Vijver, A. Chasiotis & S. Breugelmans
(Eds.), Fundamental questions in cross-cultural psychology (pp.
312–340). Cambridge, GB: Cambridge University Press.
H. (2011). Säuglingsalter. Eine konzeptuelle Einordnung [Infancy. A
conceptual classification]. In H. Keller (Ed.), Handbuch der
Kleinkindforschung (pp. 13–24). Bern: Huber Verlag.
H. (2011). Die Kulturen des Säuglingsalters [Cultures in infancy]. In H.
Keller (Ed.), Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung (pp. 154–176). Bern:
Huber Verlag.
H. (2011). Die Sprache elterlicher Strategien [The language of paternal
strategies]. In L. Hoffmann, K. Leimbrink & U. Quasthoff (Eds.), Die
Matrix der menschlichen Entwicklung (pp. 143–164). Berlin: Walter de
H., & Otto, H. (2011). Different faces of autonomy. In X. Chen & K. H. Rubin
(Eds.), Socioemotional development in cultural context (pp. 164–185).
New York: Guilford Publ.
Demuth, C., & Keller, H. (2011). Culture, learning, and
adult development. In C. Hoare (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of adult
development and learning (2. ed., pp. 425–443). New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
C., Keller, H., Gudi, H., & Otto, H. (2011). Developmental precursors of
autonomy and relatedness: Discursive practices in childhood and
autobiographical self-constructions in young adulthood. In K. Jensen de
López & T. G. B. Hansen (Eds.), Development of self in culture in mind.
Vol. 1: Self in culture in mind (pp. 89–119). Aalborg, DK: Aalborg
University Press.
H. (2010). The motorische Entwicklung aus kulturvergleichender Perspektive
[The motor development from an cross-cultural perspective]. In I. Hunger &
R. Zimmer (Ed.), Bewegte Kindheit (S. 23–43). Schorndorf: Verlag
Keller, H., & Lamm, B. (2010). Culture, parenting, and
the development of jealousy. In S. L. Hart & M. Legerstee (Eds.),
Handbook of jealousy. Theories, research, and multidisciplinary approaches
(pp. 477–497). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
J. & Keller, H. (2010). Diversität von Erziehungsvorstellungen [Diversity of
educational conceptions]. In C. Ghaderi, L. Joksimovic, E. van Keuk & D.
David (Eds.), Diversity – kompetenter Umgang mit kultureller Vielfalt in
klinischen und sozialen Handlungsfeldern (pp. 303–312). Stuttgart:
Lamm, B.,
& Keller, H. (2010). Kinder erziehen Kinder – die Rolle von Peers im
Kulturvergleich [Children educate children – the role of peers
cross-culturally]. In E. Hammes-Di Bernardo & A. Speck-Hamdan (Eds.), Kinder brauchen Kinder. Gleichaltrige – Gruppe – Gemeinschaft (pp.
25–35). Berlin: pfv.
Rothstein-Fisch, C., Greenfield, P. M., Trumbull, E., Keller, H., & Quiroz,
B., (2010). Uncovering the Role of Culture in Learning, Development, and
Education. In D. D. Preiss & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.) Innovations in
educational psychology: Perspectives on learning, teaching, and human
development (pp. 269–294). New York: Springer.
Keller, H., & Harwood, R. (2009). Culture and
developmental pathways of relationship formation. In S. Bekman & A. Aksu-Koc
(Eds.), Perspectives on human development, family, and culture (pp.
157–177). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Keller, H., Lamm, B., Abels, M., Yovsi, R. D., Borke, J.,
Jensen, H., Papaligoura, Z., Holub, C., Wingshan, L., Tomiyama, A. J., Su,
Y., Wang, Y., & Chaudary, N. (2009). Cultural
models, socialization goals, and parenting ethnotheories. A
multicultural analysis. In P. B. Smith & D. L. Best
(Eds.), Cross-Cultural Psychology. London: Sage Publ. (Reprint of the
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37(2), 155–172.)
Keller, H. (2008). Die Bedeutung kultureller Modelle für
Entwicklung und Bildung: Sozialisation, Enkulturation, Akkulturation und
Integration [The meaning of cultural models for development and education:
Socialization, enculturation, acculturation and integration]. IMIS-Beiträge, 34, 103–115.
H. (2008). Kultur und Bindung [Culture and attachment]. In L. Ahnert (Ed.),
Frühe Bindung. Entstehung und Entwicklung (2. ed., pp. 110–124). München:
Reinhardt Verlag (Erstauflage: 2004).
Keller, H., & Chasiotis, A. (2008). Maternal investment.
In C. A. Salmon & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Family relationships. An
evolutionary perspective (pp. 91–114). Oxford, UK: Oxford University
Kuhl, J., & Keller, H. (2008). Affect-regulation,
self-development and pareting: A functional-design approach to
cross-cultural differences. In R. Sorrentino & S. Yamaguchi (Eds.), The
handbook of motivation and cognition across cultures (pp. 19–47). New
York, NY: Elsevier.
H. (2007). Kulturunterschiede in der Entwicklung. In M. Hasselhorn & K.
Schneider (Eds.), Handbuch der Entwicklungspsychologie (pp. 429–442).
Göttingen: Hogrefe.
H. (2007). Die soziokulturelle Konstruktion impliziten Wissens in der
Kindheit [The sociocultural construction of implicit knowledge in infancy].
In G. Trommsdorff & H.-J. Kornadt (Eds.) Enzyklopädie der Psychologie,
Band C/VII/“: Theorien und Methoden der kulturvergleichenden Psychologie
(pp. 701–732). Hogrefe: Göttingen.
Keller, H., & Chasiotis, A. (2007). Entwicklung im
Spannungsfeld zwischen Natur und Kultur [Development in the area of conflict
between nature and culture]. In M. Hasselhorn & R. Silbereisen
(Eds.), Enzyklopädie Psychologie, Serie V: Entwicklung, Band 4:
Psychologie des Säuglings- und Kindesalter (pp. 531–570).
Göttingen: Hogrefe.
H., & Demuth, C. (2007). The discursive construction of selfhood in Chinese
and Euro-American mother-infant interactions. In G. Zheng, K. Leung & J.
Adair (Eds), Perspectives and progress in contemporary cross-cultural
psychology (pp. 77–88). Beijing: China Light Industry Press.
C., Abels, M., & Keller, H. (2007). Autobiographical remembering and
cultural memory in a socio-historical perspective. In G. Zheng, K. Leung &
J. Adair (Eds.), Perspectives and progress in contemporary cross-cultural
psychology (pp. 319–331). Beijing: China Light Industry Press.
H. (2006). Germany: Continuity and change. In J. Georgas, J. Berry, F. Van
de Vijver, C. Kagitcibasi & Y. H. Poortinga (Eds.), Families across
cultures (pp. 327–335). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
H., & Chasiotis, A. (2006). Evolutionary perspectives on social engagement.
In P. J. Marshall & N. A. Fox (Eds.), The development of social
engagement: Neurobiological perspectives (pp. 275–303). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
H., & Chasiotis, A. (2006). Zur natürlichen und geschlechtlichen Selektion
der menschlichen Individualentwicklung [Natural and secual selection of the
human individual development. Evolutionary and ethological approaches]. In
W. Schneider & F. Wilkening (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Band 1:
Theorien, Modelle und Methoden der Entwicklungspsychologie (pp.
509–551). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
H., & Werchan, A. (2006). Culture, learning and adult development. In C. H.
Hoare (Ed.), Oxford handbook of adult development and learning (pp.
407–430). New York: Oxford University Press.
Greenfield, P. M., Trumbull, E., Keller, H., Rothstein-Fisch, C., Suzuki, L.
K., & Quiroz, B. (2006). Cultural conceptions of learning and development.
In P. A. Alexander & P. H. Winne (Eds.), Handbook of educational
psychology (2nd
ed., pp. 675–692). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
H., Voelker, S., Yovsi, R. D., & Shastri, J. (2005). The representation of
independent and interrelated conceptions of caretaking. In P. Mohite (Ed.),
Theoretical approaches to early development: Implications for
interventions (pp. 116–140). Centre of Advanced Studies (CAS),
Department of HDFS, M.S.University of Baroda, Baroda, India.
H., Zach, U., & Abels, M. (2005). The German family: Families in Germany. In
J. Roopnarine & U. Gielen (Eds.), Families in global perspective (pp.
242–258). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Keller, H. (2004). Die Bedeutung der
frühen Jahre für die weitere Entwicklung [The meaning of eary years for the
further development]. In M. Horstkemper, A. Scheunpflug, K.-J. Tilman & S.
Walper (Eds.), Schüler 2004. Die Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen
(pp. 15–22). Seelze: Erhard Friedrich Verlag.
Keller, H. (2004), Die Rolle
familiärer Beziehungsmuster für die Integration von Zuwanderern [The
role of relationship models in families for the integration of migrants].IMIS-Beiträge, 23, 105–121, Institut für Migrationsforschung und
Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS), Universität Osnabrück.
Keller, H. (2004). Kultur und Bindung
[Culture and attachment]. In L. Ahnert (Ed.), Frühe Bindung. Entstehung
und Entwicklung (pp. 110–124). München: Reinhardt Verlag (in 2008
Greenfield, P. M., & Keller, H. (2004). Cultural psychology. In C.
Spielberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied psychology (pp. 545–553).
Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Greenfield, P. M., Keller, H., Maynard, A., & Suzuki, L. (2004). Lifespan
development and culture. In C. Spielberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied
psychology(pp. 567–574). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
H. (2003). Kontinuität und Entwicklung [Continuity and development]. In H.
Keller (Ed.), Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung (3rd ed., pp. 81–110).
Bern: Huber.
H. (2003). Ontogeny as the interface between biology and culture.
Evolutionary considerations. In T. S. Saraswathi (Ed.), Cross-cultural
perspectives in human development: Theory, research and applications
(pp. 102–127). New Delhi: Sage.
H. (2003). Das Säuglingsalter aus kulturpsychologischer Sicht [Infancy from
a culture-psychological view]. In H. Keller (Hrsg.), Handbuch der
Kleinkindforschung (3. Aufl., S. 353–380). Bern: Huber.
Keller, H. (2003). Persönlichkeit und
Kultur [Personality and culture]. In A. Thomas (Ed.), Kulturvergleichende
Psychologie (2nd ed., pp. 181–205). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Abels, M., Borke, J.,
Bröring-Wichmann, C., Keller, H., & Lamm, B. (2003).
Entwicklungspsychopathologie [Developmental psychopathology]. In H. Keller
(Ed.), Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung (3rd ed., pp. 1047–1078).
Bern: Huber.
H. (2002). Development as the interface between biology and culture: A
conceptualization of early ontogenetic experiences. In H. Keller, Y.
Poortinga & A. Schoelmerich (Eds.), Between culture and biology (pp.
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H. (2001). Lifespan development: Evolutionary perspectives. In N. J. Smelser
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behavioral sciences (Vol. 13, pp. 8840–8844). Oxford: Elsevier Science.
H. (2001). Frühkindliche Sozialisationskontexte: Ein Vorschlag zur
Spezifikation elterlicher Investitionen [Early childhood environments and
educational advice. The chances of the beginnings]. In A. v. Schlippe, G.
Lösche & C. Hawellek (Eds.), Frühkindliche Lebenswelten und
Erziehungsberatung. Die Chancen des Anfangs [Environments and
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H. (2000). Developmental psychology I: Prenatal to adolescence. In K. Pawlik
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H. (2000). Evolutionary approaches to the life span. In A. L. Comunian & U.
P. Gielen (Eds.), Cross-cultural perspectives on human development
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H. (2000). Sozial-emotionale Grundlagen des Spracherwerbs [The
social-emotional foundation of language acquisition]. In H. Grimm (Ed.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Band 3: Sprachentwicklung
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H. (1998). Exploratory behavior, place attachment, genius loci, and
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H. (1998). Entwicklung im Kontext. Entwicklungspsychologische Konsequenzen
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Developmental considerations about early childhood day care]. In L. Ahnert
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(pp. 167–172). Bern: Huber Verlag.
H., & Eckensberger, L. H. (1998). Kultur und Entwicklung [Culture and
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Eckensberger, L. H., & Keller, H. (1998). Menschenbilder und
Entwicklungskonzepte [Concepts of men and concepts of development]. In H.
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H. (1997). Kontinuität und Entwicklung [Continuity and development]. In H.
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H. (1997). Ethische Überlegungen für die Forschungspraxis [Ethical
considerations for developmental research]. In H. Keller (Ed.), Handbuch
der Kleinkindforschung (2nd ed., pp. 411–413). Bern: Huber Verlag.
H. (1997). Entwicklungspsychopathologie [Developmental psychopathology]. In
H. Keller (Ed.), Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung (2nd ed., pp.
625–641). Bern: Huber Verlag.
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non-traditional approaches (pp. 305–312). Amsterdam: Royal
Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
J., & Keller, H. (1997). Überlegungen zur Entstehung des Rechtsempfindens
aus entwicklungspsychologischer Sicht [Acquisition of the concept of
legality. Developmental considerations]. In E.-J. Lampe (Ed.), Zur
Entwicklung von Rechtsbewußtsein (pp. 152–181). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
H. (1996). Evolutionary approaches. In J. W. Berry, Y. H. Poortinga & J.
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[Cross-cultural developmental psychology and evolutionary socialization
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Kulturen. Entwicklung und Sozialisation in kulturvergleichender Sicht
(pp. 21–42). Weinheim/München: Juventa Verlag.
Schölmerich, A., Leyendecker, B., & Keller, H. (1995). The study of early
interaction in a contextual perspective: culture, communication, and eye
contact. In J. Valsiner (Ed.), Child Development within culturally
structured environments, Volume 3: Comparative-cultural and constructivist
perspectives (pp. 29–50). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
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models of parenting: The role of intracultural variation and response style.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38(1), 50–57.
Yovsi, R. D., & Keller, H. (2007). The architecture of
cosleeping among wage-earning and subsistence farming Cameroonian Nso
families. Ethos, 35(1), 65–84.
H., Lamm, B., Abels, M., Yovsi, R. D., Borke, J., Jensen, H., Papaligoura,
Z., Holub, C., Wingshan, L., Tomiyama, A. J., Su, Y., Wang, Y., & Chaudary,
N. (2006). Cultural models, socialization goals, and parenting
ethnotheories. A multicultural analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, 37(2), 155–172.
Lohaus, A., Keller, H., Lissmann, I.,
Bell, J., Borke, J., & Lamm, B. (2006). Eye contact and social contingency
experiences from 3 to 6 months of age and their relation to the detection of
non-social contingencies. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 3(4),
H. (2005). Kulturelle Entwicklungspfade: die ersten drei Lebensjahre im
Kulturvergleich [Cultural developmental pathways: the first three years of
life across cultures]. Kinderärztliche Praxis, Sonderheft „Frühe
Prävention“, 76, 31–41.
H., Abels, M., Lamm, B., Yovsi, R. D., Voelker, S., & Lakhani, A. (2005).
Ecocultural effects on early infant care: A study in Cameroon, India, and
Germany. Ethos, 33(4), 512–541.
H., Borke, J., Yovsi, R. D., Lohaus, A., & Jensen, H. (2005). Cultural
orientations and historical changes as predictors of parenting behaviour. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29(3), 229–237.
H., & Demuth, C. (2005). Further explorations of the “Western mind”.
Mothers’ and grandmothers’ parental ethnotheories in Los Angels, California,
and Berlin, Germany.Forum Qualitative Social Research, 7(1), Art.
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H., Kärtner, J., Borke, J., Yovsi, R. D., & Kleis, A. (2005). Parenting
styles and the development of the categorial self. A longitudinal study on
mirror self recognition in Cameroonian Nso farming and German families. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29(6), 496–504.
H., & Lamm, B. (2005). Parenting as the expression of sociohistorical time.
The case of German individualism. International Journal of Behavioral
Development, 29(3), 238-246.
H., Völker, S., & Yovsi, R. D. (2005). Conceptions of parenting in different
cultural communities. The case of West African Nso and Northern German
women. Social Development, 14(1), 158–180.
M., Keller, H., Mohite, P., Mankodi, H., Shastri, J., Bhargava, S., Jasrai,
S., & Lakhani, A. (2005). Early socialization contexts and social
experiences of infants in rural and urban Gujarat, India. Journal of
Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36(6), 717–738.
Lohaus, A., Keller, H., Lissmann, I.,
Ball, J., Borke, J., & Lamm, B. (2005). Contingency experiences with three
months of age and their relation to later developmental achievements. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 166(4), 365–383.
H. (2004). Adventures in research. Field studies and their challenges. Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin, 38(1, 2), 6–9.
H., Hentschel, E., Yovsi, R. D., Abels, M., Lamm, B., & Haas, V. (2004). The
psycho-linguistic embodiment of parental ethnotheories. A new avenue to
understand cultural differences in parenting. Culture & Psychology, 10(3),
Keller, H., Lohaus, A.,
Kuensemueller, P., Abels, M., Yovsi, R. D., Voelker, S., Jensen, H.,
Papaligoura, Z., Rosabal-Coto, M., Kulks, D., & Mohite, P. (2004). The
bio-culture of parenting: Evidence from five cultural communities. Parenting: Science and Practice, 4(1), 25–50.
H., Yovsi, R. D., Borke, J., Kärtner, J., Jensen, H., & Papaligoura, Z.
(2004). Developmental consequences of early parenting experiences: Self
regulation and self recognition in three cultural communities. Child
Development, 75(6), 1745–1760.
Bard, K.
A., Leavens, D., Custance, D., Vancatova, M., Keller, H., Benga, O., &
Sousa, C. (2004). Emotion cognition: Comparative perspectives on the social
cognition of emotion. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 8(3–4), 351–362.
A., Keller, H., Ball, J., Ball, J., Voelker, S., & Elben, C. (2004).
Maternal sensitivity in interactions with three-and 12-month-old infants:
Stability, structural compositions, and developmental consequences. Infant and Child Development, 13(3), 235–252.
H. (2003). Socialization for competence: Cultural models of infancy. Human Development, 46(5), 288–311.
H. (2003). Moving towards consensus on how to characterize culture. Reply to
the comments of Catherine Tamis-LeMonda and Kristin Neff. Human
Development, 46(5), 328–330.
H. (2003). Biologische Grundlagen und kulturelle Determinanten elterlichen
Verhaltens [Biologica basics and cultural determinants of parental
behavior]. Systeme, 17(1), 22–35.
H., Lohaus, A., Völker, S., Elben, C., & Ball, J. (2003). Warmth and
contingency and their relationship to maternal attitudes toward parenting.
The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 164(3), 275–292.
H., Papaligoura, Z., Kuensemueller, P., Völker, S., Papaeliou, C., Lohaus,
A., Lamm, B., Kokkinaki, T., Chrysikou, E. G.., & Mousouli, V. (2003).
Concepts of mother-infant interactions in Greece and Germany. Journal of
Cross-Cultural Psychology, 34(6), 677–689.
Chasiotis, A., Keller, H., & Scheffer, D. (2003). Birth order, age at
menarche, and intergenerational context continuity: A comparison of female
somatic development in West and East Germany. North American Journal of
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Greenfield, P. M., Keller, H., Fuligni, A., & Maynard, A. (2003). Cultural
pathways through universal development. Annual Review of Psychology, 54,
Yovsi, R. D., & Keller, H. (2003).
Breastfeeding. An adaptive process. Ethos, 31(2), 147–171.
H. (2002). Introduction: Developmental psychology and its application across
cultures. Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin, 35(4), 6–9.
H., Yovsi, R. D., & Voelker, S. (2002). The role of motor stimulation in
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H., & Zach, U. (2002). Gender and birth order as determinants of parental
behaviour. International Journal of Behavioral Psychology, 26(2),
A., Keller, H., Ball, J., Elben, C., & Voelker, S. (2001). Maternal
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A., Keller, H., & Voelker, S. (2001). Relationships between eye contact,
maternal sensitivity, and infant crying. International Journal of
Behavioral Development, 25 (6), 542–548.
H. (2000). Geliebter Feind. Zur Beziehung zwischen Biologie und Kultur
[Beloved enemy. The relationship between culture and psychology]. Ethik
und Sozialwissenschaften, 11(1), 31–32.
H., & Greenfield, P. M. (2000). History and future of development in
cross-cultural psychology. In C. Kagitcibasi & Y. H. Poortinga (Ed.).
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H. (2000). Human parent-child relationships from an evolutionary
perspective. Special Issue of the Journal „American Behavioral Scientist“
with the topic „Evolutionary Psychology: Potential and limits of a Darwinian
Framework for the Behavioral Sciences“, 43(6), 957–969.
D., Chasiotis, A., Restemeier, R., Keller, H., & Schölmerich, A. (2000),
Retrospektive Erfassung frühkindlicher Beziehungsaspekte: Konstruktion der
Beziehungs-Kontext-Skala [Retrospective assessment of early relationships:
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H. (1999). Partnerwahl und Sexualverhalten [Partner selection and sexual
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H., Lohaus, A., Völker, S., Cappenberg, M., & Chasiotis, A. (1999), Temporal
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Development, 70(2), 474–485.
S., Keller, H., Lohaus, A., Cappenberg, M., & Chasiotis, A. (1999). Maternal
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International Journal of Behavioral Development, 23(4), 921–936.
Zach, U.,
& Keller, H. (1999). Patterns of attachment exploration balance of
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of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 30(3), 381–388.
H. (1998), Die Rolle der Eltern für die Interaktionsregulation in der frühen
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H. (1998). Book review of Vygotsky, L. S. & Luria, A. R., 1993: Studies on
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H. (1998). Diferentes cominhos de socialização até a adolescência [Different
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H., Lohaus, A., Völker, S., Cappenberg, M., & Chasiotis, A. (1998).
Relationships between infant crying, birth complications, and maternal
variables. Child: Care, Health and Development, 24(5), 377–394.
Chasiotis, A., Scheffer, D., Restemeier, R., & Keller, H. (1998).
Intergenerational context discontinuity affects the onset of puberty: A
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A., Völker, S., Keller, H., Cappenberg, M., & Chasiotis, A. (1998).
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H. (1997). Eine evolutionsbiologische Betrachtung der menschlichen
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Intuitive parenting and infant behavior: concepts, implications, and
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(1996). Psychobiological aspects of infant crying. Early Development and
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H., Völker, S., & Wessing, P. (1996). Zusammenhänge zwischen Parametern der
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H., & Chasiotis, A. (1994). „All I really need to know I learned in
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H. & Zach, U. (1993). Developmental consequences of early eye contact
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H., Chasiotis, A., & Runde, B. (1992). Intuitive parenting programs in
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Chasiotis, A., & Keller, H. (1992). Zur Relevanz evolutionsbiologischer
Überlegungen für die klinische Psychologie: Psychoanalytische und
interaktionistische Ansätze im Lichte der Kleinkindforschung“ [The
importance of evolutionary considerations for clinical psychology.
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H., & Chasiotis, A. (1991). Die Rolle des Vaters für die frühe Entwicklung
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H., Loewer, M., & Runde, B. (1990). Analyse spontaner Sprache von Eltern in
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H., & Schölmerich, A. (1987). Infant vocalizations and parental reactions
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Degenhardt, A., & Keller, H. (1983). Reaktionen Neugeborener auf taktile,
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Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogischer Psychologie, 15(3), 183–195.
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Voss, H.
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an instrument for measuring “cognitive innovation”. Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 45, 495–502.
Invited Journal Articles
Kärtner, J. & Keller, H. (2012). Comment:
Culture-specific developmental pathways to prosocial behavior: A comment on
Bischof-Köhler’s universalist perspective. Emotion Review, 4(1),
H. (2011). Die Falle des naturalistischen Fehlschlusses. EWE, 22(2),
Otto, H.
& Keller, H. (2010). Konzepte vom Kind. Elternschaft aus
kulturvergleichender Perspektive [Concepts of the child. Parenthood from an
intercultural perspective]. Psychoanalytische Familientherapie, 20/21(I+II),
Keller, H. (2009). Die Rolle positiver Emotionen in der
frühen Sozialisation. Eine kulturvergleichende Analyse. Psychotherapeut,
54(2), 101–110.
H. (2009). Kinderzeichnungen – was sich herauslesen lässt und wo es Grenzen
der Interpretation gibt [Children’s drawings – what to read out and where
are limits of interprertation]. Kindergarten heute, 9, 8–14.
Keller, H. (2008). Attachment – past and present. But
what about the future? Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science, 42(4),
H. (2007). Sozialisation durch Sprache zur Sprache. Kulturspezifische
Entwicklungspfade [Sozialisaton by language to language. Culture-specific
developmental pathways]. L.O.G.O.S, 15(3), 175–181.
M., Buch, B., & Keller, H. (1992). Der Himmel auf Erden. Spielraumplanung
nach entwicklungspsychologischem Konzept [Heaven on earth: Designing
playgrounds from a developmental perspective]. Spielraum, 3/1992,
H. (2014). Dual and communal parenting: Implications in young adulthood. In
L. Arnett Jensen (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of Human Development and
culture: An interdisciplinary perspective. Retrieved September 20, 2014.
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780 19994 8550.013.36.
J., Freitag, C., Lamm, B., Teiser, J., Fassbender, I., Teubert, M.,
Voehringer, I., Keller, H., Knopf, M., Schwarzer, G. (2014). The other-race
effect in 3-year-old German and Cameroonian children. Frontiers in
Psychology: Developmental Psychology, 5. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00198.
Keller, H., & Demuth, C. (2005).
Further explorations of the “Western mind”. Mothers’ and
grandmothers’ parental ethnotheories in Los Angels, California, and Berlin,
Germany. Forum Qualitative Social Research, 7(1), Art. 5. Retrieved
January 8, 2013, from
H. (2002). Culture and development: Developmental pathways to individualism
and interrelatedness. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, Unit 6.
Retrieved January 6, 2013, from http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/orpc/vol6/iss1/1.